Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thrifty, somewhat Nifty!

I participate in Thrift Share Monday's
It was a slow week for thrifting.  I went to our local thrift shop, Second Glance, and didn't find anything too exciting, or at least exciting to me.  I did buy some latch hook canvas mesh though.  I have a lot of tee shirts from different events when I worked at QVC.  I don't wear them anymore and don't want to give them away, so.....they are going to enjoy a new life as a rug or two!  My daughter found rugs made from tee shirts on Pinterest and I found a tutorial here on XOELLE.  The mesh only cost $2.00 and the tee shirts were free!  It's a win-win to me.  I'll be posting pictures in a future post.

My daughter had to have the cigarette lighter - she doesn't smoke, just to use as decoration.  She likes the AMC show, Mad Men.  She said it reminded her living in the 60's.  I think it was $2.00, it has a "Bone China" sticker on it, but I'm not sure if the vintage.    I also bought the decorative crochet cloth for $1.00 and the pillow cases with flannel for $5.00.  There are a couple stains on the crochet piece I will try to Oxy Clean out.  The pillow cases and flannel will be a test run before I buy new fabric for a chenille baby blanket based on a tutorial I found through Pinterest here Aesthetic Nest.

During the week I went with a friend to Salem, MA to check out Witch City Consignment.  They are also a thrift store.  I was overwhelmed to say the least.  There were sooo many goodies all in one place.  I will need to go back and take another walk through.  I was happy with the selection of vintage Valentine's Day and Christmas cards.  They were a $1.00 each and I walked out with 10.

We also went to a thrift shop associated with the local homeless shelter.  Once again, a lot of stuff packed into a tiny place - but nothing had a price on it.  After having to ask different people on multiple occasions, I just lost interest.  There were also too many volunteers and they were either in the way or bumping into you as you tried to navigate the aisles. 

My friend found a listing for an inside yard sale at an auction company over this past Saturday.  I took a look see, was not wowed by anything.  Once again, a place that does not put prices on items.  On the way out, I spotted the frame and because it had a ship in full sail and a lighthouse, I wanted it.  I know I overpayed - $2.00 - but it will look good with my seaglass collection.

I'm still relatively new to thrift shopping, still getting used to what is a good bargain and what is a great find.

A Nubby Texture Pattern to Use Up My Stash

I have been spending far too much time on Pinterest and Craftgawker when I should be doing more constructive things.  I can't help it though, Pinterest, especially, is so addictive! 

I am inspired by all the other projects people have completed or are working on.  Then I get the little voice in my head that says, "go buy more yarn and make me!"  I grab my purse and the car keys ready to go out the door, then I cast a guilty glance towards my craft closet door and knowing what is in there, stops me in my tracks. 

Behind that door is miles and miles of yarn, cotton thread, fabric, ribbon, elastic and all sorts of crafting gee gaws.  I resolve this year to not buy anymore until I use up what I have and to FINISH projects I started. 

My first step in that direction is to use up all the cotton yarn I have by making as many dishcloths as I have to!  Here's a look at my progress in that area:

It's an easy pattern to follow:

  • Using a US-H size crochet hook chain 30 for your foundation chain
  • Row 1 - SC (single crochet) in 2nd chain from hook TR (Treble Crochet) in next chain.  Repeat SC and TR to end of foundation chain ending with a SC, chain 1 and turn.
  • Row 2 - SC across, 29 times - starting in top of SC from previous row.
  • Repeat these two rows until desired size - ending on row 1.  My dishcloth was worked in 25 rows.

I also made smaller ones to use up cotton yarn that I did not have enough to make a full size cloth.

  • Using a US-H size crochet hook chain 20 for your foundation chain
  • Row 1 - SC (single crochet) in 2nd chain from hook TR (Treble Crochet) in next chain. Repeat SC and TR to end of foundation chain ending with a SC, chain 1 and turn.
  • Row 2 - SC across, 19 times - starting in top of SC from previous row.
  • Repeat these two rows until desired size - ending on row 1. My dishcloth was worked in 17 rows.

Hope this helps you use up some of your stash so you can buy more too!

Monday, February 6, 2012

My First Estate Sale and It Was Free!

This post is part of Thrift Share Monday
So there I was, cruising through Craigslist looking for stuff.  Now, remember, this is winter in New England.  I wasn't holding out much hope that there would be anything under the garage sale listing when I clicked on it, but there it was - ESTATE SALE 4 FREE and it was in my area!  WOO HOO!  I got up early the next morning and accompanied by my daughter, took off to the free Estate Sale.

Quilting magazines & fabric pieces
I have watched enough episode of Cash & Cari to know that there would be a line of people outside and that I needed to be at least in the first group of 20 - 25 to get to the decent stuff.  When we arrived at the sale location, there were a lot of cars, so I had my daughter get out of the car and secure a spot in line for us.  We were 21st in line.  While waiting to get in we heard the background story and why it was free. 

It's Lucille Ball on the cove of Cosmo!
The house was a two generation hoarder situation and the last occupant passed away last year.  The first estate sale occured in the beginning of December 2011 and after having additional yard sales, the family members decided to open the house and let people take what was left so they wouldn't have to do the cleanup themselves.

Vintage Redbook!

A hoop for a skirt! Actually found 3!
My daughter and I did not really know what we were looking for, so we just picked up what we liked - since it was all FREE! 

We will be checking Craigslist for more Estate Sales - just wish they could all be FREE!
1950's Bra Slip - Gilead

Made In Japan containers with lids!

A pair of goat skin gloves never worn in the wax paper and other gloves

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Birthday Shout Out

One of my friends is celebrating a birthday today.  She also makes fabulous tutu's and bows.  Check it out here,
 Hannahs Treasures, like it, and wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

New Listings on Etsy Today

To celebrate February 1st, I put up several new listings in my Etsy Shop, My Life in Stitches, today.  They are all heart themed in honor of one of this month's holidays - Valentines Day!  Click on over and take a peek - I may have that last minute gift you are looking for.

Obsessed With Knitting?

The Last Knit - When knitting becomes an obsession.

Directed by Laura Neuvonen
Country Finland
Year of Production 2005
Running Time 7 minutes

Just watch it.